Sunday, September 1, 2013

Tips for Becoming Known on Aj

Hey jammers! Today, I was thinking about how some jammers want to become popular or famous on Animal Jam. I'm not famous even XD, but here are some ideas I know that work!^.^

Road to fame idea #1: Videos!
We have all heard of famous jammers like  Julian2, right? And you know how he got famous? YouTube videos! It's simple: you can just get a YouTube and do videos about anything in Jamaa. In each video, just make it cool and fun and make sure to share you username! 

Road to fame idea #2: Blog! 
You've got it: Just be like me! ^.^ Having a good AJ blog is simple: Just use an easy, free blog maker, like Blogger, choose an eye-catching template, and blog away! Be sure to use correct grammar and you best writing, so that peeps will view your blog. Then, tell some buddies and watch you fame grow!

Road to fame idea #3 Being Rare
I don't like this one as much, but whatever floats your boat I guess ^.^ When your rare, your popularity undoubtedly rises. For instance, bepper is famous because of her rares. For some tips on how to do this, check out my How to become rare tips post. :)

Road to fame idea #4: Giveaways! 
Do you have rares or items to spare? Then, you can do giveaways! Just go around to different worlds ( Like Draa, Aldan) Pretty soon, you will become known for those giveaways:)

That's all for now, jammers, so you can try these suggestions and Jam On!