Monday, October 7, 2013

Night Of The Phantoms and Sorry!

Hey guys!!!! So sorry for not posting for an eon, I was bombarded by school >.< Anyways, HAPPY NIGHT OF THE PHANTOMS!!! That's right, Halloween is creeping up on us (Bad pun right there) Have you pulled any Halloween pranks? I know I will be soon.... BWAHAHAHA!!!! There are so many returning items this season, including Eyeball Hat, Monster Teeth, Halo, and much more! I'm sure stocking up on those ^.^ My den is currently quite spooky, feel free to take a peek! •~• And does anybody else have an idea about the new animal coming soon? I sure do, maybe I will share 👿👿👿 Anyways, happy Night Of The Phantoms! Peaceout is back! 

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Happy Birthday, Aj!!!

Hallo guys! Sorry for not posting, school overload >.< Anyway, we recently had some big events in Jamaa! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, AJ! Yay, aj is now three years old :D There is a new code, ajbday3! It gives you a super cool Mt. Shiveer cake! Very pawsome! Plus, THE MEDICAL CENTER HAS RETURNED! In this pawsome new place, located in Kimbara, you can purchase various fun bandage clothing and there is lots of hospital roleplay! I really like it, aj has pleasantly surprised me with all the fun, new stuff!!! You can now even buy phantoms ( Caged ones, thank goodness ^.^) in the Adventures Base Camp! With the phantoms came many new adventure prizes, including Rare Police Hat (Very creative colors) and an Eyepatch!!!! I flipped when I saw it, they are currently very uncommon!!! :D Ahh, Ajhq, you have done it again ^.^ We can all celebrate your bday by going to your party even :D THREE CHEERS FOR PAWSOME NEW UPDATES!!! 

Monday, September 9, 2013

Rare Royal Cape!

Hey guys! Sorry for not posting for awhile, school >.< Anyway, we had a cool Rare Item Monday Today ^.^ It's a Rare Royal Cape! •.• Sooo amazing XD I really like the colors on it, cause pink/purple and blue are one of my fav color combos^.^ I don't buy a lot of rare item Mondays but this one I did :D Get yours today, folks, cause' it won't be here tommorow! I also found out an easy, quick trick that can help you get gems for the future! If you buy a lot of rare item Mondays, you can keep them for the future. And if there is an item someday you just don't have enough gems for (and your too lazy to try to win them like me XD) then you can just recycle some of those rares, and you will have your money! :DDDDDD Well, that is all for now, keep jammin'! 

Monday, September 2, 2013

Julian2's 25 subs party!

Hai peeps:D Today, I went to Julian2's party! Congrats on so many subscribers, Julian! When I was there, there were giveaways, games, and most of all a GIANT MOB! XD very crazy:D His den is very hard to get into right now, so you can try Wootmoo or Lilacpetal because they are holding his party there too. I almost fainted, SOOOOOO many peeps were dere. It was crazier than the time I was there when everything glitched O.o Anyways, Congrats Julian2!!!! WHOOP!

Rare Aviator Hat

Bonjor peeps! Today, we have a pawsome rare item Monday: A Rare Aviator Hat! Yay, now I can be rare and fly a plane at the same time! XD ^.^ The hat is 900 gems (a bit expensive, if you ask me) and has a pretty cool color. Be sure to pick yours up at Jam Mart Clothing because it won't be here tommorow! (Unless there's  a glitch XD) Jam On! 

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Tips for Becoming Known on Aj

Hey jammers! Today, I was thinking about how some jammers want to become popular or famous on Animal Jam. I'm not famous even XD, but here are some ideas I know that work!^.^

Road to fame idea #1: Videos!
We have all heard of famous jammers like  Julian2, right? And you know how he got famous? YouTube videos! It's simple: you can just get a YouTube and do videos about anything in Jamaa. In each video, just make it cool and fun and make sure to share you username! 

Road to fame idea #2: Blog! 
You've got it: Just be like me! ^.^ Having a good AJ blog is simple: Just use an easy, free blog maker, like Blogger, choose an eye-catching template, and blog away! Be sure to use correct grammar and you best writing, so that peeps will view your blog. Then, tell some buddies and watch you fame grow!

Road to fame idea #3 Being Rare
I don't like this one as much, but whatever floats your boat I guess ^.^ When your rare, your popularity undoubtedly rises. For instance, bepper is famous because of her rares. For some tips on how to do this, check out my How to become rare tips post. :)

Road to fame idea #4: Giveaways! 
Do you have rares or items to spare? Then, you can do giveaways! Just go around to different worlds ( Like Draa, Aldan) Pretty soon, you will become known for those giveaways:)

That's all for now, jammers, so you can try these suggestions and Jam On!

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Wind Amulet, New giveaway!

Hey guys! Sorry, I haven't been on AJ in a little bit, I'm on my last vacation! We went on a super cool trip to Dinosaur Gardens and saw life size Dino models:D 
Anyways, I do know that today another item came out to match the Wind Helmet! It's a wind amulet! Very swirly like a lollipop! ^.^ I kind of think that Ajhq is going with a elemental theme for the armor^.^ Maybe water or river armor next? :D Anyways, the winner of my giveaway was the pawsome Nafaria9, author of the Animal Jam Whip! Congrats! I'm also still doing my mailtime, all senders get a shout-out on here! I'm having another mystery giveaway, the prize could be anything!!! So keep commenting and jam on for now!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Heyo guys! I'm very peppy and overexcited today, so... BEWARE OF DANGEROUSLY HIGH LEVELS OF RANDOMNESS! Whoo! CUPCAKEEEZ! Alright, I'm calm now. Anyways, today I have a few things to share with you all :D First off, a cool new glitch I found! I call it the Appondale Bridge Glitch, It's neat. Kind of. XD :D It happened to me when, using the arrow keys, I crossed over from that little wood bridge in Jamaa and into Appondale. I quickly came back and walked right above it, with the trees! XD. And then I found another glitch even, with my new Lightning Cloud. Every time I put it in my den, it turned into a plain, white cloud with no lightning! Very strange and annoying, because I needed it for my music video. XD :D Speaking of my music video, I am currently doing a music vid to Katy Perry's epic song, Roar! BUTTER!!! Its the best song ever, if you want to be in the video comment! Now! XD :b Well, I sadly have to go now, I will post more next time I get on aj! Bai! SMOOSHSMOOSHMOOMOOBUTTERBUTTERMEOW.

Monday, August 26, 2013


Hey guys! Sadly, for me summer is coming to an end >.< So, I'm holding an epic GOODBYE SUMMER PARTY! My den will be unlocked from now on, so come and Part-ay! There will be trading, Giveaways, and much more, so come! If you come, you will officially become a member of da epic cupcake club ^.^ XD So, come have fun! There will be a pool and more... :D And yes, that is a firework below:D HAVE A GREAT END OF SUMMER!!!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

How To Become Rare Tips

Hey guys! Sorry that I was gone from the blog for a few days, writers block >.< Anyways, today I was thinking about how a lot of poorer jammers want to become rare. So, here are a few helpful tips to help you reach that goal! ^~^ 

Tip Number 1: Buy holiday items!
So, we all know that special limited-edition items come out during major holidays like Christmas, right? Well, once these items leave after the holiday, their value increases and there is a higher demand for them. So when you see these items, stock up! Because in a few months, many jammers will offer good or beta trades for them. ^.^

Tip Number 2: Clearance items!
After most aj updates, a few items switch to being on clearance. Buy these items! When they are no longer available in Jamaa, many will see them as beta and their value will get higher!

Tip Number 3: Adventures and Sky High!
Now, in the fun new Adventures, rares and very good items like Scary Bats, Freedom wings, various rares, Worns, and Pirate Swords are being won! The same goes for the fun game Sky High:D Simply play the hard mode adventures or Sky High and you have a goid chance if winning these!

Tip Number 4: Mailtime Videos!
Many famous jammers like Julian2 have gotten rare off of one thing-Animal Jam Mailtime Videos! If you have a youtube, then just advertise in Jamaa (by saying things like "Send me stuff for mailtime vid!") and then do a video if the things you have recieved:) Many times, jammers who want to be featured on youtube will send items that are pretty good. However, please only do this if you have a youtube because if you don't do a video, (a) its lying and (b) its technically scamming :( If you do though, Mailtime is a good idea!

Well, those are a few tips to help you get cool items! Peace!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Major Glitches!

Hai guys! Something weird happened to me today :/ Lately, famous and rare people's dens have been glitching, like Snowyclaw and Julian2. Today, I witnessed this. I went to Julian2's den, which was miraculously unlocked. My buddy told me to be a tiger or sea animal, so I shrugged and was one, then went to Julian2's den and wow! Dolphins and other sea animals swam around and many animals were invisible. The tigers had no clothes and their backs were always turned and running in place. Plus, they were tiny and outlined in blue:D Crazy weird, right? XD. Anyways, the rumor is the one doing this is Herosol and that Julian has vids about him. Herosol actaully admitted to doing this when I was on :/ So, watch out Snowy and Julian, because this guy is dangerous :/ But its still kinda cool to see dolphins and tiny tigers in a resteraunt den.^•^ XD

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Maryjulie, Mailtime, and Giveaway

Hey jammers! Today, I have a few things to blog about:) Keep reading!
First, I will cover the maryjulie thing I mentioned in the title. So, today, I was in Jamaa, just doing my standard trading and stuff, when I received a gift. It was from a kind jammer named Maryjulie. I got another gift from her absolutely free when I saw another jammer say "Thanks Maryjulie!" It turns out that kind Maryjulie was sending random jammers items out of kindness:) I thought this was nice so I decided to post it:D Three cheers for Maryjulie! ^•^
So now, I have another thing to mention:Mailtime! I'm going to be doing an Animal Jam Mailtime, so please send items! All donors will get a shout out on this blog, the better the item the more impressive the shout out! Thanks!
And finally...(drumroll)... My giveaway! I'm going to be doing a random den item giveaway, all you need to do is comment below or send me a jam a gram! One lucky random winner will receive a den beta or rare, I'm not exactly sure yet;D So enter before its to late! Thanks jammers:D Peace out!


Monday, August 12, 2013

The Kangaroo Legend

Hello! This is a story I decided to write, sorry if it has been covered already! This is my version of How Kangaroos Came To Jamaa:D Enjoy!

One day, not so long ago, there was a tribe of wild kangaroos living peacefully around the outskirts of Jamaa. The leader of the kangaroos, Strongfoot, was a good and fair leader, and he made sure his tribe was always good and orderly.
However, things were changing around the kangaroo tribe and nobody noticed it- except for a young kangaroo named Littletail. Littletail was ignored by many in her tribe. "That poor Littletail comes up with such silly stories," the other tribe members would say, shaking their heads disdainfully. But only Littletail a special power in her tribe. For tiny Littletail, deemed unimportant by her tribe, could sense even the slightest, smallest change in the weather.
The kangaroo tribe lived in quite a warm area, and it was uncommon for the weather to change. But, one day, it did change. The others took no notice, but Littletail did. It was cold, colder than usual, though there was not a cloud in the sky. Littletail pondered the strange phenomenon, and finally decided on telling Strongfoot. She hopped away, excited to alert him of her discovery. Quickly, Littletail found him sitting at the camp center. 
"Hello, Strongfoot. May I speak to you quick?"
"Of course, young Littletail. Tell me anything," answered Strongfoot with a sparkle in his eyes. Already, he was preparing for one of her stories.
"It's the weather. It seems cold, colder than usual," she said shyly. In answer, Strongfoot looked up to the sky and saw no clouds. He felt no difference from the day before though. He was somewhat angry that she was just telling him a story, but, she was young. He decided to answer kindly.
"I'm afraid I feel no difference, Littletail.However, you should tell some of your stories to the elders. They would enjoy it," he said with a chuckle.
"No buts, young one. Hop along now," he said kindly but sternly. Feeling defeated and alone, Littletail hopped away.
Soon, Littletail was not alone with her troubles. With each passing day, the weather grew colder and harsher for some mysterious reason. However, Strongfoot still didn't give the order to move camp. He was not ready to admit that Littletail had been right. Finally, one day, the weather took a turn for the worst. The kangaroos awoke one morning to a surprise blizzard. Shocked and freezing, the kangaroos began to struggle away in hopes of finding a new home. For days they wandered, searching desperately for food and good land. Some young kangaroos were lost in that dreadful time, leaving their mothers alone, weeping. Strongfoot's heart ached. He knew that he'd let down his tribe. Why didn't I listen to Littletail before it was to late? He thought.
Finally, the ragged band of kangaroos stumbled onto a strange land-Jamaa. There were odd little stores and animals-many animals of various species.
"It's perfect!" Cried the kangaroos. That was when a large, beautiful bird appeared in front of them.
"I am Mira, and this is Jamaa. Welcome, wonderful creatures, please do stay here!"
The tribe members all looked to Strongfoot. He gazed at the land. It looked peaceful and plentiful, and the weather surely was good. He made his decision.
"Yes, dear Mira, we shall be delighted to stay.Thank you," he said gruffly. It was then decided. The kangaroos stayed in Jamaa, and although the tribe was disbanded, the all lived happily.
And that is how kangaroos came to Jamaa. :)